Why even spreading the message about organ donation can help?

Nazim A
Nov 16, 2020

I’ve been thinking about this quite frequently as of late: am I doing anything with all these social media posts and blogs if people see them and aren’t signing up? The primary goal of the Gift of Life Challenge is to sign as many people up as possible. And although I’ve spent more time this year on the challenge than last year, I feel as though I’ve made less of an impact on the world around me. But the reality is that the world around me has changed too. Face-to-face conversation is so rare and hard to find due to the pandemic. So now we’re tasked to convince someone to make a huge decision, like becoming a donor, over social media. So here’s where I think simply spreading the message can help. Even if we’re unable to sway someone to become a donor, at least we’ve exposed them to the idea of it. And perhaps we’ve introduced them to a new fact that they didn’t know about. Perhaps, we’ve given them the right push so that when they are faced with the decision again, they’ll say yes. It’s obviously a stretch. But during these strange times, when I’m unable to speak to people face-to-face and explain to them why organ donation is so crucial, simply introducing the idea and related facts may go a long way. So please consider signing up to become an organ donor at bit.ly/gbhosa. You can save up to 8 lives and heal 75 others by simply taking two minutes and signing up.

